Selasa, 13 November 2012

The Blood Type Experiment: Maximizing Human Potential

The Blood Type Experiment: Maximizing Human Potential
“The control of the palate is a valuable aid for the control of mind.”-Gandhi

As many of you have probably gathered from this website, I rely on finding truth in my own life through direct experience. I respect and will listen to anyone’s opinion, however, when it comes to making a decision I have learned to take in information and come to my own conclusions.

That being said, I wanted to share aspects of the Blood Type Diet that I have found to be beneficial in my personal life and the lives of my clients. Please feel free to experiment to see what works as I am excited to hear about your own personal experiences. Be Your Own Hero

What is the Blood Type Diet?

Here’s the theory in a nutshell: There’s a chemical reaction between your blood and the foods you eat caused by a diverse group of proteins in foods called lectins. According to Peter D’Adamo, author of Eat Right For Your Type, when you eat a food containing lectins that are incompatible with your blood type, the lectins target an organ and begin to agglutinate blood cells. It’s not life threatening, but it can make you feel crummy, retain fat, and look bloated. On a more serious note, D’Adamo makes a connection between cancer and disease through the consumption of lectins that are not easily digested by particular blood types.

Obviously, I think there is a lot more to diet than just knowing your blood type and secretor status, however, I have found that consuming recommended foods for my blood type (AB-) has increased my energy. caused me to loss excess weight, and look less bloated. Please note that I did not follow portion guidelines outlined in the book but adjusted them to meet my own goals.

*Please Note: I do not advise that everything I experiment with should be taken as an absolute truth. My perspective consistently evolves, however, I am not afraid to share views that I have developed through experiments I have performed on my own body. I hope that you will use this website as a resource to increase awareness and be empowered to discover truth through direct experiences. If eating certain foods goes against religious or moral convictions, I encourage you to follow your own beliefs as all paths lead to the same. At this point, I am undecided if the Blood Type Diet works well due to my inherent perspective (self actualization) or can be considered a universal truth. It has worked on clients and when analyzing the diets of youthful looking individuals over a period of 48 months. Either way, the diet consists of natural foods regardless of blood type and I do not see harm in recommending it.